
Dashboards and Analytics

Incorporate real-time data acquisition and reporting into your production floor. Benefit from live dashboards and daily reports highlighting KPIs such as production throughput, inventory levels, scrap status, and more. Initial training and target setting are included.

Platforms: Tableau,PowerBi,SQL,Python and more.

People productivity tools

Obtain resource staffing and utilization studies, and implement productivity and task ticketing tools to streamline your Gemba walks, 5S audits, equipment inspections, and feedback forms.

Platforms: JIRA, Microsoft 360, Confluence and more.

Manufacturing Automation

Integrate enhanced HMIs, safety controls, and quality/process monitoring systems into existing equipment, or redesign equipment for complete automation.

Platforms: Direct integration or third party contract manufacturing.

Technical Training

Empower your teams to maintain and troubleshoot modern operation platforms and introduce productivity tools to save time and reduce waste.

Platforms: In person and virtual training with case studies and training documents.

Consulting and Process Assessment

Unsure where to begin? Need a high-level mission overview? Schedule a free onsite process assessment for detailed operations analysis and improvement strategy.

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